Learning is easier when you have a team of excellent teacher. That's why most of our educators have achieved an advanced degree in their field with several years of experience. Our staff are passionate about the subjects and kids they teach and bring this enthusiasm into their lessons.
Our mission is to embrace the pursuit of excellence both inside and outside the classroom. We encourage critical thinking and emphasize the learning process over rote memorization.
Hausa Cultural display @Prudential 6th Graduation Ceremony
Igbo Cultural Display @Prudential 6th Graduation
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In the school Premises
Nursery and Primary assembly holds on Mondays from 8:00am to 9:00am. During this special assembly, primary pupils make mind blowing present...
In the school Premises
In the school premises
Secondary school assembly in Prudential International School holds on Wednesday from 8:00am - 8:45pm. During this assembly, Students make ...
In the school premises
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